Crop Research Results

Nationally Conducted Research

Providing You with Solid Crop Data

Years before Sure Crop Fertilizers was officially founded, Don Schurman was researching his own farm’s soil and sharing his results with other farmers. This concept continues to be utilized today as Sure Crop Fertilizers conducts product research at our home farm in northeast Kansas. And, as our business expanded, our research efforts also expanded. Sure Crop now has research studies done at several independent, third party research facilities throughout the United States. We’re here to offer you the latest findings and research analysis to show the results of all of our products, from our top performers to our new products in development.

Click here to learn more about us.  

Darryl and Ed in Soybean Field

Summaries of Key Research Findings

For more information regarding our research results, or to get started with one of our products, give us a call at (800) 635-4743 for a free estimate today!

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